- Choose BC Brands! During these unprecedented times, we think it’s important to support and give power to our local economy. BC business employs thousands of local workers
Morbi semper nulla ut metus vestibulum, at scelerisque leo tristique. Nullam et ex orci. Proin laoreet pharetra sollicitudin. Donec ultricies pretium elementum.
Our members are experiencing a huge demand for hand sanitizer. We are small businesses that are also trying to figure out how we are going to make it through this challenging time while also doing everything we can to help those in need. To take the load off distillers please use this contact form to put in your request for sanitizer and we will share it with the full membership to see if anyone has the capacity to fill your need.
* Neutral grain spirit is bulk alcohol produced and sold by industrial distilleries that allows some distillers to bypass the craft of producing fermentable mash to create their own alcohol. ** 100,000 litres is less than one days production for many larger distilleries.
Stillhead Distillery is a family owned and operated craft distillery, located in the heart of the Cowichan Valley, Duncan, BC.
They use only BC grown fruits and grains to make high-quality spirits bursting with flavour.
Craft Distillers Guild of BC
British Columbia
Sign in to the Member area of the Craft Distillers Guild of BC, or apply to join.